About Me

My photo
Newark, Delaware
59 year young homemaker... wife of the most awesome loving man any woman could hope for and he is a few years younger... so now I fit the stereo type... Cougar? Only if it is flattering... if not... we will have to change that

Monday, May 24, 2010

My first post?

This is my first post. If all goes well it won't be my last... but this is a trial run. I love to talk. I love to ramble on. I love Facebook, taking photos and posting what is going on in my life. I love my life and I love people... well some people. I pick and choose. If you make the A list I am yours for life... you can't get rid of me. I am a pest. I will be in your face...probably with a camera. Facebook isn't enough for me. I have too much to say and it scrolls by too fast. I can't see through all the games to find the stuff I want to know about, talk about or just comment on.

Like I said... I have a lot to say. I just need someone to listen. LOL

What I find myself doing that I do not like is interrupting people. I apologize for that here and now. It isn't that I mean to be rude... it is just that I am so very very forgetful I won't remember that all important thing I want you to KNOW... ok... I will work on that.

Today it was such a nice surprise to see Gordon. Gordon Freed, my husband's cousin. I claim him as my own. I admire his people skills, I love to watch his Facebook page and see all the latest photos he has put up... I follow his travels... and he inspires me to continue to get in people's faces.

Have camera will travel!!! I love ya Gordy!


  1. Hope I am A list! LOL. You are in my book. GOOD LUCK with the blog Kitty!

  2. You are on the A list!!! No worries. We need to get together soon. I will be in the hospital from June 10 - 15th... then not in very good shape for a few weeks. My birthday is July 3 and depending on how all that goes I am hoping to have a small get together... you and your partner would be invited. And if I am not quite up to that... the least we should do is dinner ... the big reason I wanted to do something for my birthday is because it's the big SIX OH! I just feel like a 60th birthday should be something of a celebration if at all possible. LOL
