About Me

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Newark, Delaware
59 year young homemaker... wife of the most awesome loving man any woman could hope for and he is a few years younger... so now I fit the stereo type... Cougar? Only if it is flattering... if not... we will have to change that

Monday, May 24, 2010

Ever wanted to write a book?

I think everyone wants to!!! Write a book that is. There is at least one book in all of us... or so they say.

Who is they? Who said that?

Regardless... I for one... believe it! What would your one book be about? Who would read it and why? These are all important questions I ask myself more often than you want to know.

Would I write about cats? Plants? Flowers? Gardening in the shade? How to take a nice photo? None of the above. Why? Because I don't consider myself any kind of expert on any of those subjects even though they are all things I love to do.

So what would I write about? I think I could write a book about how to blog.

Did you read this whole thing?

See what I mean?


  1. UGH, I am too new at this blog thing! I commented and forgot to write in the verification words and it all got deleted! LOL. Let's try again.
    I am writing a book on my years in the hotel/restaurant business. For instance, I once got yelled at by Tina Turner because the room for her wigs was not big enough. I got yelled at by Tom Bosley for delivering his mail at the hotel too slow. LOL. He was mean and he was Mr. C from Happy Days! He was so nice on that show. Kathleen Turner asked for a scotch on the rocks for her sore throat. David Bowie asked me if I could get him a macrobiotic diet, whatever that is, LOL. I said "Why yes, of course!" Stuff like that!

  2. That is awesome!!!! I want a signed copy when it is finished
